The Centre Of Knee Excellence
Redefining the standards of orthopaedics, delivering cutting-edge solutions and personalised treatments.
Dr. Shatrov specialises in orthopedic trauma, sports knee and arthroplasty surgery including:
Assessment of knee pain
Sports knee injuries
Meniscal and cartilage injuries
Patella instability and dislocation
ACL injury
Knee ligament injuries
Patella tendon injury
Quadriceps tendon injury
Osteotomy and alignment procedures
Deformity correction
Total and partial knee replacement
Robotic knee surgery
Extensor mechanism salvage procedures
Orthopaedic Trauma and fracture management
In addition to these specific procedures, Dr Shatrov also offers a range of other services for patients with knee pain and injuries, including non-surgical management, pain management, and rehabilitation.
If you are considering any of these procedures, Dr Shatrov will be happy to discuss your individual needs and provide you with the best possible care.